Committed to fostering positive societal change through bold leadership and innovative frontline leaders.

A4ECA was formed to develop and advocate plans and programs to secure equitable, just, and sustainable community development and affordable housing for all, as well as social and economic justice, in the San Francisco Bay Area and State of California;

undertake research and provide education, information, and support to their central city communities concerning these issues; advocate for governmental legislation, regulations, and actions, and undertake legal and civil action when necessary, in furtherance of these purposes; and carry on other public and charitable activities associated with these purposes.

A4ECA Renews Call for City Attorney to Settle Lawsuits Delaying Proven & Urgent Homeless Solutions

If not, and if SCOTUS overturns the “Boise Ruling” this summer, the inevitable outcome one day will be mass “internment” camps for many thousands of homeless Americans in our Nation’s cities – even San Francisco! 

“Lawsuits and politics are standing in the way of proven and compassionate solutions to San Francisco’s homeless crisis. We need all sides in litigation to get back to the table, and stay there, until we have reached a fair settlement that will allow us to focus on working together to address the humanitarian crisis on our streets,” said A4E President John Elberling.

Vote NO on Prop C & Vote NO on Prop F

Prop C plus Prop F equals more homelessness in San Francisco. This is why we are advocating to vote NO on both Prop C and Prop F. Learn more about each proposition by clicking the buttons below.

Vote Yes on Prop A kick off event hosted in San Francisco, California.

Vote YES on Prop A

Affordable Housing Bond

Authorizes the city to issue $300 million in general obligation bonds to fund affordable housing opportunities for extremely low-, low- and middle-income households. Let’s build truly affordable housing!

Vote YES ✅

INNER CITY HOME Mural on the KNOX SRO located in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood.

Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

The A4E team has a rich history that stems from the organizers that came before and set the standard for civic impact within San Francisco as well as within the state of California. We are here to carry the baton that was passed down.

Empowering groups with providing organizing capacity, research, education, technical support, public polling, and supporting ballot measures.

A4ECA follows its mission and vision which ensures that it helps positively change the future with its advocacy efforts.

Sign up to be in the know with the latest events, measures, political information and more in San Francisco, California.